"Dormoy's rabble differs from others of this class in being worked by rotation like a hair-brushing machine; the tool being made to revolve very rapidly (300 to 500 turns per minute for white iron and 800 to 1000 for grey pig) gives the metal such an impulse that it gyrates horizontally round the bed, continually renewing the surface in contact with the atmosphere; this is further aided, by making the end of the rabble to carry a disk, which is replaced by a short twisted point when the metal comes to nature." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Dormoy's Rabble

"Dormoy's rabble differs from others of this class in being worked by rotation like a hair-brushing…

"Dormoy's rabble differs from others of this class in being worked by rotation like a hair-brushing machine; the tool being made to revolve very rapidly (300 to 500 turns per minute for white iron and 800 to 1000 for grey pig) gives the metal such an impulse that it gyrates horizontally round the bed, continually renewing the surface in contact with the atmosphere; this is further aided, by making the end of the rabble to carry a disk, which is replaced by a short twisted point when the metal comes to nature." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Dormoy's Rabble

"Dormoy's rabble differs from others of this class in being worked by rotation like a hair-brushing…