The word convex means curving out or bulging outward.


The word convex means curving out or bulging outward.

"It is desirable, however, on account of economy of expense and of water, that all ditches should be as nearly straight as possible, and to save distance it is sometimes necessary to build up the ditch upon a mound or, if the depression to be crossed it too great, to construct a flume."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Section of Raised Ditch

"It is desirable, however, on account of economy of expense and of water, that all ditches should be…

The ship is pictured as it looked shortly after being unearthed. The tent-like structure at the back that is in most depictions, is not included in this illustration. Four of the 32 shields that were found can be seen attached to the side of the hull. The ship is raised up on a wooden frame. The ship was found in a burial mound in Sweden.

The Remains of the Prow of the Viking Ship Gokstad

The ship is pictured as it looked shortly after being unearthed. The tent-like structure at the back…