"Anterior region of earthworm. Note the eight setae (s.) on each segment. R.S., Spots between 9-10, 10-11, indicate openings of receptacula seminis; Ovd., openings of oviducts on segment 14/ vd., openings of vasa deferentia on segment 13." -Thomson, 1916


"Anterior region of earthworm. Note the eight setae (s.) on each segment. R.S., Spots between 9-10,…

"Reproductive organs of earthworm. N., Nerve cord; T., anterior testes; S., sacs of setae; R.S., receptacula seminis; s.f., seminal funnels; v.d., vas deferens; ovd., oviduct; ov., ovary; sv., seminal vesicles cut open; VIII.-XV., segmens" -Thomson, 1916

Earthworm Reproductive Organs

"Reproductive organs of earthworm. N., Nerve cord; T., anterior testes; S., sacs of setae; R.S., receptacula…