The Leaf of the American Amber tree furnishes the Storax or Styrax, a kind of resin.

Leaf of American Amber Tree

The Leaf of the American Amber tree furnishes the Storax or Styrax, a kind of resin.

"A valuable medicinal substance, consisting chiefly of a resin (Resin of Copaiva) and a volatile oil (Oil of Copaiva). It flows from incisions made in the stems of trees of the genus Copaifera, trees with pinnate leaves, of the natural order Leguminosae, sub-order Caesalpinisae, natives of the topical parts of America." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Copaiva Tree

"A valuable medicinal substance, consisting chiefly of a resin (Resin of Copaiva) and a volatile oil…

A tree that produces the resin copal that is used in various varnishes.


A tree that produces the resin copal that is used in various varnishes.

"Young resin gland of fir: <em>a</em>, duct, an intercellular space formed by the separation of the four nucleate cells." &mdash; Coulter, 1910

Resin gland of a fir

"Young resin gland of fir: a, duct, an intercellular space formed by the separation of the…

A West Indian tree that is used for its lustrous red wood


A West Indian tree that is used for its lustrous red wood

"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia, called Balsamodendron Myrrha. It was much esteemed as an unguent and perfume by the ancients, who used it also for embalming and for incense. it is still used as a perfume and for incense, as also medicinally. By distillation with water myrrh yields a viscid, brownish-green, volatile oil. Myrrh of the best quality is known as Turkey murrh; that of an inferior kind goes under the name of East Indian, being exported from Bombay." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Myrrh, is the name given to a gum resin which exudes from a shrub growing in Arabia and Abyssinia,…

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits of turpentine and resin. A half-moon shaped box is cut in the trees, as near as possible to the surface of the ground." -Lupton This is shown in the illustration.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits…

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits of turpentine and resin. A half-moon shaped box is cut in the trees, as near as possible to the surface of the ground." -Lupton This is shown in the illustration.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits…

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits of turpentine and resin. A half-moon shaped box is cut in the trees, as near as possible to the surface of the ground." -Lupton The boxes are shown in this illustration.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits…

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits of turpentine and resin. A half-moon shaped box is cut in the trees, as near as possible to the surface of the ground." -Lupton This is shown in the illustration.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits…

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits of turpentine and resin. A half-moon shaped box is cut in the trees, as near as possible to the surface of the ground." -Lupton the rear of the stills and the resin vats are shown in this illustration.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

"The first step is to obtain the crude turpentine. It is a mixture of the essential oil known as spirits…

Tar is made from the turpentine by the smothered burning of the wood. When burning the wood, it is placed in a pile resembling a cone with the point cut off.

Manufacturing of Turpentine

Tar is made from the turpentine by the smothered burning of the wood. When burning the wood, it is placed…