"Diagram of the structure of a male Nematode. M., mouth; OE., oesophogus; GA., nerve ring; B., bulb at lower end of fore-gut; G., mesenteron; SP., spine with sheath; A., anus; D., ejaculatory duct; VS., seminal vesicle; T., testis; ET., longitudinal excretory tube, cut short; EP., excretory pore." -Thomson, 1916


"Diagram of the structure of a male Nematode. M., mouth; OE., oesophogus; GA., nerve ring; B., bulb…

In the Trichina, a parasitic roundworm, the bodies of several animals, particularly the rat, are host for developing eggs. If the rat is eaten by a carnivorous animal, these excessively small young are liberated during the process of digestion and rapidly assume the adult condition in the alimentary canal, giving rise to young which pursue again the same course of development.


In the Trichina, a parasitic roundworm, the bodies of several animals, particularly the rat, are host…

Threadworm (Nematodes) or Roundworm is composed of many different species. In all the body is slender as in the "vinegar eel". This small worm, a millimeter or two in length, lives on the various forms of mold that grow in fermenting fruit juices. A tough cuticle surrounds the body, perserving its shape and at the same time protecting the delicate organs against the action of the acids in which it lives. In the treadworm the eggs develop within the body and the young are born with the form of the parent.


Threadworm (Nematodes) or Roundworm is composed of many different species. In all the body is slender…

"Trichinae in muscle, about the encapsuled." -Thomson, 1916


"Trichinae in muscle, about the encapsuled." -Thomson, 1916

"Trichinae in muscle, encapsuled. There may be 12,000 in a gramme of pig's muscle." -Thomson, 1916


"Trichinae in muscle, encapsuled. There may be 12,000 in a gramme of pig's muscle." -Thomson, 1916