Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) sedum, (2) saxifraga, (3) ribes, (4) parnassia, and (5) cephalotus.

Orders of Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae, and Cephalotaceae

Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders…

A brachiopod plant known to have been around since the cambrian period.

Saxifraga Lingulata

A brachiopod plant known to have been around since the cambrian period.

This is a perennial flower.

Saxifraga Sarmentosa

This is a perennial flower.

"Epidermis of leaf of Saxifraga Sarmentosa, showing clusters of stomata s, surrounded by large epidermal cells e. The cells among which the stomata occus are very small." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Saxifraga Sarmentosa

"Epidermis of leaf of Saxifraga Sarmentosa, showing clusters of stomata s, surrounded by large epidermal…

This plant belongs to the saxifragaceae family; a genus of mainly large herbs..

Crassifolia Saxifraga

This plant belongs to the saxifragaceae family; a genus of mainly large herbs..

"Diagram of the flower of Saxifrage (Saxifraga tridactylites). The calyx and corolla consist of five parts, the stamens are ten in two rows, while the pistil has only two parts developed. The flower is, neertheless, called symmetrical, although the outer whorls are pentamerous, and the central one dimerous." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


"Diagram of the flower of Saxifrage (Saxifraga tridactylites). The calyx and corolla consist of five…