"The cutting-tool in a screw-cutting machine; a screw-plate." -Whitney, 1911

Screw Cutting Die

"The cutting-tool in a screw-cutting machine; a screw-plate." -Whitney, 1911

A section of a screw-cutting die.

Screw Die Section

A section of a screw-cutting die.

"A self-acting screw-cutting lathe with double-geared headstock, of a type now well established, the arrangements for obtaining and varying this traversing motion may be observed. A steel leading screw runs along the front of the lathe bed, and with it the slide rest can be connected at pleasure. Two or more change wheels, properly proportioned as to the number of their teeth, connect the head of the screw with the hinder end of the mandrel." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"A self-acting screw-cutting lathe with double-geared headstock, of a type now well established, the…

"Jewelers' box of dies, stocks, and taps (called a screw-plate set." -Whitney, 1911

Screw-Plate Set

"Jewelers' box of dies, stocks, and taps (called a screw-plate set." -Whitney, 1911