Meibomian glands (glandulae tarsales), which are sebaceous glands embedded in grooves in the inner surface of the tarsal plates, about 30 in the upper eyelid, less in the lower one. Their ducts open on the inner edge of the free margin of the lids by minute foramina, through which their secretion is furnished to prevent the lids adhering to each other.

Meibomian Glands

Meibomian glands (glandulae tarsales), which are sebaceous glands embedded in grooves in the inner surface…

Section of the skin, showing the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and the muscles of the hair. Labels: a, epidermis; b, dermis; c, muscles of the hair follicles; d, sebaceous glands.

Section of the Skin

Section of the skin, showing the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and the muscles of the hair. Labels:…