An illustration of a group of Merino ewes.

Merino Ewes

An illustration of a group of Merino ewes.

"They are accordingly found on the mountainour parts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, and Westmoreland; over the whole of the Lammermuir range, the upper part of Lanarkshire, and generally over the Highlands of Scotland. Both male and female of this breed have horns, which in the former are very large and spirally twisted. The face and legs are black or specked with black, with an occasional tendency to this color on the fleece; but there is nothing of the brown or russet color which distinguishes the down breeds." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Black-Faced Heath Sheep

"They are accordingly found on the mountainour parts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, and Westmoreland;…

A lamb


A lamb

A lamb


A lamb

"The Leicesters are the most important sheep to the country. They are more widely diffused in the kingdom than any of their congeners. Although, from the altered taste of the community, their mutton is less esteemed than formerly, they still constitute the staple breed of the midland counties of England. Leicester rams are also more in demand then ever for crossing with other breeds." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Leicester Ram

"The Leicesters are the most important sheep to the country. They are more widely diffused in the kingdom…

An illustration of a ten month old Merino ram.

Merino Ram

An illustration of a ten month old Merino ram.

An illustration of a Merino ram.

Merino Ram

An illustration of a Merino ram.

An influential breed of sheep prized for its wool.

Merino Sheep

An influential breed of sheep prized for its wool.

An illustration of a Spanish merino ewe.

Spanish Merino Ewe

An illustration of a Spanish merino ewe.

An illustration of a Spanish merino ram.

Spanish Merino Ram

An illustration of a Spanish merino ram.

An illustration of a Spanish merino ram.

Spanish Merino Ram

An illustration of a Spanish merino ram.

An illustration of a Texel or Mounton flandrin ram.

Mountoin Flandrin Ram

An illustration of a Texel or Mounton flandrin ram.

An illustration of a Paular ram.

Paular Ram

An illustration of a Paular ram.

Sheep are raised for their wool.


Sheep are raised for their wool.

The male of the sheep and allied animals.


The male of the sheep and allied animals.

A male sheep.


A male sheep.

"A distinct long woolled breed. They have been much modified by a large infusion of Leicester blood; but as their distinctive qualities fit them well for a bleak and humid habitat, there is now an aversion to risk these by further crossing." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Romney Marsh Breed

"A distinct long woolled breed. They have been much modified by a large infusion of Leicester blood;…

Shropshire ram. This breed of hornless sheep is noted for its high quality meat.

Shropshire Ram

Shropshire ram. This breed of hornless sheep is noted for its high quality meat.

A small British sheep raised primarily for meat.

Southdown Sheep

A small British sheep raised primarily for meat.

An illustration of a white sheep standing up.

White Sheep

An illustration of a white sheep standing up.

"Sheep-Shank -- Formed by making a long bight in a topgallant back stay, or any rope which it is desirable to shorten, and taking a half-hitch near each bend, as at a, a. Rope-yarn stops at b, b are desirable to keep it in place till the strain is brought up on it. Wire rope cannot be so treated, and it is injurious to hemp rope that is large and stiff." -Britannica, 1910


"Sheep-Shank -- Formed by making a long bight in a topgallant back stay, or any rope which it is desirable…

Ordinary sheep-shears are not in any sense a pair of scissors. These simple shears have no pivot on which the blades turn.

Sheep-shearing Shears

Ordinary sheep-shears are not in any sense a pair of scissors. These simple shears have no pivot on…

Three shepherds with a flock of sheep.


Three shepherds with a flock of sheep.

A hunter, shepherd, and farmers working on the shore.

Shore Scene

A hunter, shepherd, and farmers working on the shore.

A soldier with a bear and a shepherd with a sheep.

Soldier and Shepherd

A soldier with a bear and a shepherd with a sheep.

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the sheep, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, rumen; 3, reticulum; 4, omasum; 5, abomasum or rennet; 6, intestine.

The Stomach of a Sheep

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the sheep, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels:…

The suovetaurilia was a sacred Roman sacrifice of a pig, a ram, and a bull to Mars, the god of war to purify the land.


The suovetaurilia was a sacred Roman sacrifice of a pig, a ram, and a bull to Mars, the god of war to…

"And he spake unto them this parable, saying, 'What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.'" Luke 15:3-5 ASV
<p>Illustration of a shepherd, wearing a hat, walking home with a sheep over his shoulders and all of his other ninety-nine sheep following behind him. In the background, wolves attack and eat the sheep of a shepherd who is asleep underneath a tree. A fence lines the road.

The Parable of the Good Shepherd Coming Home with the Lost Sheep Over His Shoulders

"And he spake unto them this parable, saying, 'What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost…

Tobias, after being sent by his blind father to collect a debt, meets the archangel Raphael on the road. Tobias is kneeling next to a river. He is holding an enormous, open-mouthed fish and looking up at Raphael. The angel is dressed in plain clothes and holds a staff in his right hand. A small animal watches from behind Tobias.

Tobias Meets the Angel Raphael Disguised as His Kinsman

Tobias, after being sent by his blind father to collect a debt, meets the archangel Raphael on the road.…

A, Villus of sheep. B, Villi of human.

Villus of Humans and Sheep

A, Villus of sheep. B, Villi of human.

A winter scene with sheep.


A winter scene with sheep.

An illustration of a woman taking care of a fallen lamb.

Woman & Lamb

An illustration of a woman taking care of a fallen lamb.

Sheep being sheared for wool.


Sheep being sheared for wool.