"A Foraminifer (Polystomella) showing shell and pseudopodia." -Thomson, 1916


"A Foraminifer (Polystomella) showing shell and pseudopodia." -Thomson, 1916

"A pelagic Foraminifer." -Thomson, 1916


"A pelagic Foraminifer." -Thomson, 1916

"Formation of shell in a simple Foraminifer. In A the shell has one chamber; B, C, and D show the formation of a second. Note outflowing pseudopodia and the enclosure of the shell by a thin layer of protoplasm; note also the nucleus in the central protoplasm." -Thomson, 1916

Foraminifer Shell Formation

"Formation of shell in a simple Foraminifer. In A the shell has one chamber; B, C, and D show the formation…