"Erucastrum Canariense. 1. a flower. 2. the stamens; 3. the siliqua, with the valve separating from the replum; 4. a transverse section of a seed; 5. a perfect seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Erucastrum Canariense. 1. a flower. 2. the stamens; 3. the siliqua, with the valve separating from…

Also known as a carob tree or Ceratonia siliqua. It is a flowering shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is commonly cultivated for its edible seed pods.

Locust Tree

Also known as a carob tree or Ceratonia siliqua. It is a flowering shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean…

"The Silicua is a variety of the capsule, composed of two carpels opening from the base upward, and having a framework called the replum, which forms a spurious dissepiment."—Darby, 1855


"The Silicua is a variety of the capsule, composed of two carpels opening from the base upward, and…

Wellflower (Cheiranthus cheiri). 1, Androcium; 2, siliqua.


Wellflower (Cheiranthus cheiri). 1, Androcium; 2, siliqua.