"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls.…
The common name of acacia verticillata is whorl-leaved acacia. It is a spreading shrub or small tree…
Asimina triloba is a small tree growing between ten and forty feet tall. The fruit is dark brown, oblong,…
Atalantia ceylonica is a spiny shrub or small tree native to India. The leaves grow up to three inches…
Banksia ericifolia is a shrub or small tree, growing twelve to fourteen feet tall. The leaves grow hardly…
Gum arabic tree is the common name of acacia arabica. The gum arabic tree is a small tree with gray…
Acer ginnala grows twenty feet tall. The leaves are three lobes. The flowers are yellowish and fragrant.