"The war in Louisiana. General Banks's army, in the advance on Shreveport, crossing Cane River, March 31st, 1864. Our sketch represents the Army of the gulf, under General Franklin, crossing Cane River by bridge and pontoons, on March 31st, 1864. The point sketched is about fifty-four miles above Alexandria. The battle at Cramps' Hill which followed is thus described by our correspondent: 'On the 2nd of April our cavalry advancing on Shreveport came upon the Confederates in force at Cramp's Hill, twenty-two miles from Nachitoches, where the roads to Manny and Pleasant Hill branch off. Major Bassford, being in the advance of Lucas's brigade, skirmished with the Confederates, who made a stand eight times, but could not hold their ground. The first line of our skirmishers was dismounted and the second mounted. After their repulse here the Confederates retired up the Manny road, pursued by Major Bassford. They made a stand and opened with artillery, but Rawles's battery silenced their guns and routed De Bray's Texas cavalry in confusion."— Frank Leslie, 1896

War in Louisiana

"The war in Louisiana. General Banks's army, in the advance on Shreveport, crossing Cane River, March…