"Androsphinx of Thothmes III."-Whitney, 1902


"Androsphinx of Thothmes III."-Whitney, 1902

An Egyptian bracelet with two sphynx's.

Egyptian Bracelet

An Egyptian bracelet with two sphynx's.

Two pyramids and a sphinx near Gizeh, Egypt, built during the 25th century. These three structures rank high in superiority to other pyramids due to their size and magnificence.

Pyramids of Gizeh

Two pyramids and a sphinx near Gizeh, Egypt, built during the 25th century. These three structures rank…

A statue built on the Giza Plateau in Giza, Egypt, consisting of a lion with a human head. The Sphinx is believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians.

The Great Sphinx at Giza

A statue built on the Giza Plateau in Giza, Egypt, consisting of a lion with a human head. The Sphinx…