"Pimento or Jamaica pepper, otherwise called allspice, is a small berry, the fruit of a beautiful tree,…
"A genus of plants of the natural order Labiatae. The species are all natives of the tropics, or of…
The cinnamon plant. It is the inner bark of a tree growing about twenty feet high, and being peeled…
The cinnamon tree is a evergreen tree small in stature. The bark from the tree is used as a the spice,…
An evergreen tree 15 to 30 feet high with large elliptic smooth leaves. Its flower buds are commonly…
Cloves trees are native to Indonesia. Flower buds from the tree, once dried, are used as a spice in…
Coffee is the berry of a tree found native in Abyssinia. The tree attains a height of 15 to 20 feet,…
Dill (Anethum graveolens) is a short-lived perennial herb. It is the sole species of the genus Anethum,…
The nutmeg is a tropical evergreen tree cultivated for its spice. Nutmeg is derived from the seed, while…
The nutmeg trees are genus of the evergreen tree. The flowers grown on the nutmeg tree can be used as…
"Sage is a plant much used for flavoring meats, etc. It has blue flowers, and has run into many varieties.…
Sugar Cane is probably a native to India, but is now extensively cultivated throughout the tropical…
Tea consists of the dried leaves of a number of evergreen shrubs, natives of China or thereabouts. Tea…