"Floating colonies of Siphonophora. A, Diphyes campanulata. B, A group of appendages from the stem of the same Diphyes. C, Physophora hydrostatica. D, Seperate nectocalyx of the same. E, Cluster of female sporosacs (aborted medusae) of Agalma sarsii. a, stem or axis of the colony; a', pneumatocyst (air-bladder); m, nectocalyx; c, sub-umbrellar cavity of nectocalyx; v, radiating canals of the umbrella of the nectocalyx; o, orifice formed by the margin of the umbrella; t, hydrophyilia in B, dactylozooids in C; n, stomach; i, tentacles; g, sporosacs." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Floating colonies of Siphonophora. A, Diphyes campanulata. B, A group of appendages from the stem of…