"In aiming kneeling, the left elbow rests on the left knee, point of elbow i nfront of kneecap." — Moss, 1914

Aim kneeling

"In aiming kneeling, the left elbow rests on the left knee, point of elbow i nfront of kneecap." —…

"Kneel on right knee, sitting as nearly as possible on the right heel; left forearm across left thigh; piece remains in position of order arms, right hand grasping it above lower band." — Moss, 1914


"Kneel on right knee, sitting as nearly as possible on the right heel; left forearm across left thigh;…

"If kneeling or sitting, the position of the piece is similar; if kneeling, the left forearm rests on the left thigh." — Moss, 1914


"If kneeling or sitting, the position of the piece is similar; if kneeling, the left forearm rests on…

"Carry back the left foot and lie flat on the belly, inclining the body about 35 degree to the right." — Moss, 1914

Lie Down

"Carry back the left foot and lie flat on the belly, inclining the body about 35 degree to the right."…

"If sitting the elbows are supported by the knees." — Moss, 1914


"If sitting the elbows are supported by the knees." — Moss, 1914