The auditory ossicles of the right ear, seen from the front. Labels: M, malleus; J, incus; S, stapes;…
"Diagram showing the ear and related parts in a young cat. P., Pinna; Sq., squamosal: E.A.M., external…
Bones of the ear: Malleus, Incus and Orbiculare, Stapes. The bones of the area are connected with each…
A, the malleus, or mallet, with its long handle running down, to touch with its delicate extremity the…
"Across the middle ear a chain of three small bones stretches from the tympanic membrane to the inner…
"1, malleus, or hammer; 2, incus, or anvil; 3, stapes, or stirrup." — Blaisedell, 1904
General sectional view of the structure of the ear. Labels: a, the meatus auditorius externus; b, the…
"Mature stapes of fowl, about x4; after Parker. st, its foot, fitting fenestra ovalis; mst, main shaft,…
Chain of ossicles and their ligaments, seen from the front in a vertical transverse section of the tympanum.
The stapes on stirrup-bone. 1, base; 2 and 3, arch; 4, head of bone, which articulates with orbicular…
The tympanic ossicles, which are 3 small bones that form a chain across the tympanic cavity, connecting…
Tympanic ossicles of left ear. A, incus as seen from front. B, Malleus, viewed from behind. C, Incus…