In French gymnastics, exercises with simple wants and sticks are in great favor, as imparting grace…
This illustration shows an Indian crosse stick, as described by Gatlin. About fifty tribes of Indians…
The crosse is a 5-6 ft long stick of light hickory wood, bent at the top like a bishop's crozier. It…
"For very small beds, drills, or furrows may be made by a simple marking-stick." — Baily, 1898
"Fracture of the leg: Apply two splints, one on the outside, the other on the inside of the limb. When…
A hand with bar demonstrating the attractive properties of static electricity.
A hand with a rod, demonstrating the attractive properties of static electricity.
A composing stick is an instrument used to assemble pieces of metal type into words and lines which…
A throwing stick being used by Australian natives. Crafted during the Reindeer age.
Throwing sticks made from reindeer horn. Crafted during the Reindeer age.