Illustrated is cabbage in winter storage in a cabbage house. Cabbages grown for late winter and early spring are trimmed and stored in bins or on shelves in frost-proof storehouses.

Cabbage in Winter Storage

Illustrated is cabbage in winter storage in a cabbage house. Cabbages grown for late winter and early…

"A reservoir or storehouse for gas, especially for the ordinary illuminating gas produced in gasworks, which supplies the various pipes employed in lighting streets and houses." -Whitney, 1911


"A reservoir or storehouse for gas, especially for the ordinary illuminating gas produced in gasworks,…

"The Great Bakery for the United States Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special artist. The public buildings in Washington, during the threatened invasion by the Confederates, were barricaded and fortified. So great was the apprehension of a raid upon the city, that the passageways of the Treasury and the Captiol wre defended by howitzers. The iron plates cast for the dome of the Capitol were set up as breastworks between the columns, where they were supported by heavy timbers. The statuary and the pictures were protected by heaving planking; and the basement of the building was used as a kitchen. When the regiments began to pour in, the public buildings were given as quarters to the troops which came to defend them. The basement of the Capitol, which we illustrate, became first a storehouse, and then a bakery." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Great Bakery

"The Great Bakery for the United States Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special…

A silo is a structure for storing bulk materials. Silos are used in agriculture to store grain (see grain elevators) or fermented feed known as silage.

Bulk Storage Silo

A silo is a structure for storing bulk materials. Silos are used in agriculture to store grain (see…