"A street in Fredericksburg, Va., showing the result of the bombardment- federal soldiers grouped about. Our correspondent wrote: 'Considering the terrible nature of the bombardment, it is wonderful that not a single inhabitant was killed by it, although many families refused to avail themselves of the opportunity to leave before the firing commenced. These found shelter in the cellars of the houses, and thus escaped. The rest of the building, in many cases, was so shattered as to be perfectly uninhabitable. A fine old mansion in Main Street presented a melancholy spectacle, no less than thirty round shot having gone right through it, leaving the appearance of so many portholes. In the street the Federals bivouacked the night before the battle and the night after.'"— Frank Leslie, 1896

Street in Fredericksburg

"A street in Fredericksburg, Va., showing the result of the bombardment- federal soldiers grouped about.…