"Bladderworm stage of a Cestode...a, Early stage with head inverted. b, Later stage with head everted." -Thomson, 1916


"Bladderworm stage of a Cestode...a, Early stage with head inverted. b, Later stage with head everted."…

"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm stage, before the "head" protrudes from the bladder; B, same, later stage; C, Strobila, or chain of proglottides, many being omitted; D, embro, such as fill the uterus of the mature proglottides. It is protected by a shell. b, bladder; ex., excretory canals; g, genital pore; h, head or scolex provided with hooks and suckers (s); u, uterus in a mature posterior proglottis; z, zone of budding or segment formation. The numerals show the approximate number of the segments, reckoning from the front." -Galloway, 1915


"Diagram showing some stages in the life history of the Tapeworm (taenia). A, Cysticercus or Bladderworm…

"Life history of Taenia solium. 1. Six-hooked embryo in egg-case; 2. proscolex or bladder-worm stage, with invaginated head; 3. bladder-worm with evaginated head; 4. enlarged head of adult, showing suckers and hooks; 5. general view of the tape-worm, from small head and thin neck to the rip joints; 6. a rip joint or proglottis with branched uterus; all other organs are now lost." -Thomson, 1916

Pork Tapeworm

"Life history of Taenia solium. 1. Six-hooked embryo in egg-case; 2. proscolex or bladder-worm stage,…

"Diagram of life history of Taenia solium." -Thomson, 1916

Pork Tapeworm

"Diagram of life history of Taenia solium." -Thomson, 1916