The branched character of the cells is seen. Shown is a transverse section from a cross section of the tail of a rabbit, showing sheath, fibrous septa, and branched connective tissue corpuscles. The spaces left white in the drawing represent the tendinous fibers in transverse section.

Branched Tendon Cells

The branched character of the cells is seen. Shown is a transverse section from a cross section of the…

The cells in the tendons are arranged in long chains in the ground substance separating the bundle of fibers, and are more or less regularly quadrilateral with large round nuclei containing nucleoli, which are generally places so as to be contiguous in two cells. Show is the caudal tendon of young rat. Note arrangement, form, and structure of tendon cells.

Structure of Tendon Cells

The cells in the tendons are arranged in long chains in the ground substance separating the bundle of…