A genus of the plants known as liverworts. The body is a simple flat thallus and produces a slender…
A genus of the plants known as liverworts. The body is a simple flat thallus and produces a slender…
"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853
"Life-history of Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha): 1 and 2, developing thallus; 2 shows the cup with…
"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing…
This illustration shows the structure of the thallus of Ricciocarpus: A, section of the thallus, showing…
"Section of Stratified Thallus of Ricasolia herbacea. a, cortical stratum; b, gonidial stratum; c, medullary…
"Section of Unstratified Thallus of Collema conglomeratum, with Moniliform Gonimia scattered amongst…