The orders pictured are balsaminaceae, rhamnaceae, vitaceae, and tiliaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) impatiens, (2) rhamnus, (3) vitis, and (4) tilia.

Orders of Balsaminaceae, Rhamnaceae, Vitaceae, and Tiliaceae

The orders pictured are balsaminaceae, rhamnaceae, vitaceae, and tiliaceae. The flowers of these orders…

The fruit of the Linden, Tilia americana, (Keeler, 1915).

Linden Fruit

The fruit of the Linden, Tilia americana, (Keeler, 1915).

"Paramecium in optical section. A, anterior end; c, tilia; e.d., ectosarc; e.n., endosarc; f.v., food "vacuole"; g, gullet; N, meganucleus; n, micronucleus; o, oral groove, leading to the mouth; p.v., pulsating vacuoles in different stages of contraction; tr., trichocysts; v, food vacuole in process of formation." — Galloway


"Paramecium in optical section. A, anterior end; c, tilia; e.d., ectosarc; e.n., endosarc; f.v., food…