"Carmarina (Geryonia) hastata, one of the Trachomedusae. a, nerve-ring; a', radial nerve; b, tentaculocyst; c, circular canal; e, radiating canal; g'', ovary; h, perenia or cartilaginous process ascending from the cartilaginous margin of the disc centripetally in the outer surface of the jelly-like disc; six of these are perradial, six interradial, coresponding to the twelve solid larval tentacles, resembling those of Cunina; k, dilatation (stomach) of the manubrium; l, jelly of the disc; p, manubrium; t, tentacle (hollow and tertiary, i.e., preceded by six perradial and six interradial solid larval tentacles); u, cartilaginous margin of the disc covered by thread-cells; v, velum." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Carmarina (Geryonia) hastata, one of the Trachomedusae. a, nerve-ring; a', radial nerve; b, tentaculocyst;…

"Simple tentaculocyst of one of the Trachomedusae (Rhopalonema velatum). The process carrying the otolith or concretion hk, formed by endoderm cells, is enclosed by an upgrowth forming the "vesicle," which is not yet quite closed in at the top." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Simple tentaculocyst of one of the Trachomedusae (Rhopalonema velatum). The process carrying the otolith…