Crystal; This form is a combination of an icositetrahedron and a rhombic dodecahedron, where the faces of the icositetrahedron replace the trihedral angles of the dodecahedron. The parameters, m, of the icositetrahedron  are less then two.


Crystal; This form is a combination of an icositetrahedron and a rhombic dodecahedron, where the faces…

Crystal; This form is a combination of an icositetrahedron and a rhombic dodecahedron, where the faces of the icositetrahedron replace the trihedral angles of the dodecahedron. The parameters, m, of the icositetrahedron  are less then two.


Crystal; This form is a combination of an icositetrahedron and a rhombic dodecahedron, where the faces…