"Found only at New Zealand, and here it is rare; the shell is very beautiful, the whorls rising in a depressed cone." — Goodrich, 1859

Trochus imperialis

"Found only at New Zealand, and here it is rare; the shell is very beautiful, the whorls rising in a…

"Diagrams showing some of the stages in the increasing complexity of the simple eye in Invertebrates. A, simple pigment spot in epithelium having nerve-endings associated with pigment cells (as in some medusae); B, pigment cells in a pit-like depression (as in Patella); C, with pin-hole opening and vitreous humor in cavity (as in Trochus); D, completely closed pit, with lens and cornea (as in Triton and many other Mollusks); E, pigment area elevated instead of depressed, lens of thickened cuticula (as in the Medusa, Lizzia); F, retinal cells more highly magnified. ep., epidermis; f, nerve fibre; l, lens; op, optic nerve; p, pigment cells; r, retina; v.h., vitreous humor." -Galloway, 1915

Invertebrate Simple Eye

"Diagrams showing some of the stages in the increasing complexity of the simple eye in Invertebrates.…

"Trochus, a hoop. The Greek boys used to exercise themselves, like ours, with trundling a hoop. It was a bronze ring, and had sometimes bells attached to it. It was impelled by means of a hook with a wooden handle called a clavis. From the Greeks this custom passed to the Romans, who consequently adopted the Greek term. The hoop was used at the Gymnasia, and, therefore, on one of the gems in the Stosch collection at Berlin, which is engraved in the annexed wood-cut, it is accompanied by the jar of oil and the bay branch, the emblems of effort and of victory. On each side of this we have represented another gem from the same collection. Both of these exhibit youths trundling the hoop by means of the hook or key. These show the size of the hoop, which in the middle figure has also three small rings or bells on its circumference." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Trochus, a hoop. The Greek boys used to exercise themselves, like ours, with trundling a hoop. It was…