"Ambulacra of Star-fish, As seen in a longitudinal and vertical section of one of the rays; and three…
"A genus of plants belonging to the natural order compositae, sub-order Corymbiferae. The flowers of…
"The Duplex is made in two equal parts, each being capable of being worked alone. Each section consists…
"The oldest form of blast heating apparatus, applied by Neilson, consisted of a tubular rivetted boiler…
"A horizontal tubular, which is found to be extremely powerful as well as economical. It is a rectangular…
"a, axis cylinder; b, inner border of white substance; c, c, outer border of same; d, d, tubular membrane;…
Siphonorhis americana. "A genus of American Caprimulgidae or goatsuckers, having tubular nostrils. The…
Fusus antiquus. "...a division of prosobranchiate gastropods, having the lip of the shell notched, canaliculate,…