"Of the two forms of pitcher in this genus the larger and ordinary form, that of the adult plant, is somewhat twisted, and instead of a lid has a large inflated hood overarching the small mouth. A large bilobed nectariferous and brightly colored expansion hangs down from this, and attracts insects, particularly moths. As in Sarracenia, the plant seems merely to absorb the products of their putrefaction." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Of the two forms of pitcher in this genus the larger and ordinary form, that of the adult plant, is…

The antique enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted in a plaited or net work.

Antique Enrichment Torus Moulding

The antique enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted in a plaited or…

The antique enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted in a plaited or net work.

Antique Enrichment Torus Moulding

The antique enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted in a plaited or…

The modern enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted around. These designs were typically found on bases of columns and pilasters.

Modern Enrichment Torus Moulding

The modern enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted around. These designs…

The modern enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted around. These designs were typically found on bases of columns and pilasters.

Modern Enrichment Torus Moulding

The modern enrichment torus moulding is a bundle of round rods with ribbons twisted around. These designs…