A cord on which clothes are hung to dry

Early Use Clothesline

A cord on which clothes are hung to dry

"The electrophorus and meethod of using. Charge B; place A in contact with B, and touch A (left illustration). The disc is now charged by induction and will yield a spark when touched by the hand (right illustration)." -Hawkins, 1917


"The electrophorus and meethod of using. Charge B; place A in contact with B, and touch A (left illustration).…

"Illustrating how the electrophorus works" -Hawkins, 1917

Use of an Electrophorus

"Illustrating how the electrophorus works" -Hawkins, 1917

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.

Otter Foot

The foot of an otter, which is serviceable in and out of the water.