Valerian, the type genus of Valerianaceae; an order of herbs. It is distinguished by opposite leaves and small irregular flowers.


Valerian, the type genus of Valerianaceae; an order of herbs. It is distinguished by opposite leaves…

"Valerian is an order of herbs or rarely shrubs belonging to the division of monopetalous dicotyledons having the stamens arising from the petals. The order is distinguished from its congeners by the opposite leaves; small irregular flowers. It contains 12 genera and about 190 species, distributed through Northwestern America, Europe, Northern Africa, and temperate Asia– unknown in Australia, and only one species South African. It has a penetrating odor, and a bitter, acrid, somewhat aromatic taste; when distilled with water it yields a volatile oil and valerianic acid. Cats have a strange liking for the odor, and it exercises a remarkable intoxicating or stimulating power over them; the plant is sometimes called cats' valerian. It is often used to tempt cats to an unhappy fate."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Valerian is an order of herbs or rarely shrubs belonging to the division of monopetalous dicotyledons…

"Valeriana celtica. 1. entire flower magnified; 2. the ovary and young calyx; 3. the fruit, with the pappose full-grown calyx; 4. a vertical section of fruit and seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Valeriana celtica. 1. entire flower magnified; 2. the ovary and young calyx; 3. the fruit, with the…

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century. Native to Europe and parts of Asia, Valerian has been introduced into North America. It is consumed as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species including Grey Pug.


Valerian (Valeriana officinalis, Valerianaceae) is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of…

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Flower

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers.…

An illustration of a longitudinal sectional view of the valerian flower. Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Flower (Longitudinal Section)

An illustration of a longitudinal sectional view of the valerian flower. Valerian is a hardy perennial…

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Inflorescence

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers.…

An illustration of the valerian seed with attached pappus. In a composite flower, Pappus is the part of individual disk and ray flowers that surrounds the base, in the same manner as the calyx does in a non-compound flower. The pappus may be like bristles or tiny hairs, teeth, or scales, and is usually too small to see without magnification. Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers. The flowers are in bloom in the northern hemisphere from June to September. Valerian was used as a perfume in the sixteenth century.

Valerian Seed with Pappus

An illustration of the valerian seed with attached pappus. In a composite flower, Pappus is the part…