"The Kangaroo is an animal of Australia, first observed by a party of sailors on the coast of New South Wales. The great kangaroo has large hind legs, with a huge tail, short fore limbs, and is about the height of a man. It is a vegetable feeder, and is destructive to the crops of the settlers in the less inhabited parts of Australia; in the long-settled districts it is much rarer. Its ordinary method of progression is by a series of great leaps, 10 to 15 feet or more. Many species are known to exist."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The Kangaroo is an animal of Australia, first observed by a party of sailors on the coast of New South…

"The Ostrich is the largest of all living birds, standing from six to eight feet in height, and has been known from remote antiquity; Xenophon mentions it in the "Anabasis" as found in the plains of Artemisia, and there are frequent references to it in later Roman literature. Hunters report that the flesh is palatable. The ostrich is hunted and bred for the sake of the quill feathers of the wings and tail.The Ostrich is a vegetable feeder, but swallows stones, bits of iron, and other hard substances to aid the gizzard in its functions. On ostrich farms newly hatched birds have been observed to pick up little stones before taking any food. The wings are useless for flight, but of so much assistance in running that the bird can outstrip the fleetest horse."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The Ostrich is the largest of all living birds, standing from six to eight feet in height, and has…