"The long white linen vestment worn in early times by all ecclesiastics at divine service. It differed from the more modern surplice, which is only a modification of it, in having narrower sleeves. At the foot and wrists were embroidered ornaments called apparels." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"The long white linen vestment worn in early times by all ecclesiastics at divine service. It differed…

The principle vestment worn by clergy of the Greek and Roman churches during celebration of mass.


The principle vestment worn by clergy of the Greek and Roman churches during celebration of mass.

"An ecclesiastical vestment, worn during the celebration of mass, at processions, vespers, and other soleminities. The cope was originally a cloak worn for ordinary purposes. In form it is a semicircle, without sleeves and with a hood." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"An ecclesiastical vestment, worn during the celebration of mass, at processions, vespers, and other…

Illustration of a monk, displaying an open book. His hood is pointed and appears to be unattached from his habit. His habit includes a robe-like undergarment with a short tunic on top. Crosses appear in a vertical line down the center of the front of the tunic.

A Monk with a Pointed Hood and Crosses on His Habit

Illustration of a monk, displaying an open book. His hood is pointed and appears to be unattached from…