Named "Great Basin Violet," a flowering plant native to western United States.

Viola Beckwithii

Named "Great Basin Violet," a flowering plant native to western United States.

Named "sweet whit violet" featuring shorter stems, native to North America.

Viola Blanda

Named "sweet whit violet" featuring shorter stems, native to North America.

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers include (1) helianthemum, (2) cistus, (3) bixa, and (4) viola.

Orders of Cistaceae, Bixaceae, Violaceae, and Passifloraceae

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers…

Perennial bearing long spur, native to Europe.

Viola Cornuta

Perennial bearing long spur, native to Europe.

This is a curious and interesting instrument, chiefly because it is the only one in which a systematic use is made of sympathetic vibrations.

Viola D'Amore

This is a curious and interesting instrument, chiefly because it is the only one in which a systematic…

Violet native to Europe, bearing white flowers.

Viola Odorata

Violet native to Europe, bearing white flowers.

Perennial belonging to the Viola family, a flowering plant.

Viola Palmata

Perennial belonging to the Viola family, a flowering plant.

Pansy is the common name of viola tricolor.


Pansy is the common name of viola tricolor.

Plant belonging to the Viola family.

Viola Papilionacea

Plant belonging to the Viola family.

Violet native to North America, bearing lilac flowers.

Viola Rostrata

Violet native to North America, bearing lilac flowers.

Perennial belonging to the Viola family, flowering plant of temperate regions.

Viola Sheltonii

Perennial belonging to the Viola family, flowering plant of temperate regions.

European herb, integrated from garden pansies.

Viola Tricolor

European herb, integrated from garden pansies.

The viola may be considered a large violin tuned a fifth lower or as a small cello tuned an octave higher. It resembles the violin except the fingers of the left hand are spread apart more.


The viola may be considered a large violin tuned a fifth lower or as a small cello tuned an octave higher.…