"Galvanism is the branch of electric science to which an experiment by Galvani gave birth. His wife, who was making soup from frogs, put them in proximity to a charged electrical machine. On touching them with a scalpel their legs became greatly convulsed. He came to the erroneous conclusion that animal electricity existed in the nerves and muscles of frogs, etc. His contemporary Volta inferred that the metals took the active part in producing the contraction, and the electricity was due to their contact. In 1800 he first described and constructed what has since been called the Voltaic pile."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Galvanic Battery

"Galvanism is the branch of electric science to which an experiment by Galvani gave birth. His wife,…

"The metallic elements C and Z each conssted of two metals, the plate C being of copper and the plate of Z zinc. They were placed, as shown, in the glass vessels, which contained salt water and ordinary water of lye. Into each vessel, except the two end ones, the copper end of one arc and the zinc end of the next were introduced, the series, however long, ending with copper dipping into the terminal wbessel at one end and zinc into that at the other. The arrangement is almost exactly that of a modern one fluid battery." -Hawkins, 1917

Volta's Crown of Cups

"The metallic elements C and Z each conssted of two metals, the plate C being of copper and the plate…