"Anthus Ludovicianus. Louisiana Pipit. American Titlark. Brown Lark. Wagtail. Bill blackish, pale at…
This wagtail is remarkable for the vibratory motion of their body while standing or walking, (Figuier,…
This wagtail is remarkable for the vibratory motion of their body while standing or walking, (Figuier,…
This wagtail is remarkable for the vibratory motion of their body while standing or walking, (Figuier,…
This wagtail is remarkable for the vibratory motion of their body while standing or walking, (Figuier,…
A (Motacilla alba) or White Wagtail (upper) and a (Motacilla flava) Yellow Wagtail (lower) sitting on…
"The Yellow Wagtail or Motilla flava has characters of the Motacilla alva; tail shorter, not exceeding…