"Mount Vernon. This view is from the lawn in front, looking down the Potomac. The mansion is built of wood, cut so as to resemble stone, like Johnson Hall, at Johnstown, in New York, and is two stories in height. The central part was built by Lawrence Washington, a brother of the chief. The wings were added by the general. Through the center of the building is a spacious passage, level with the portico, and paved with tesselated Italian marble. This hall communicates with three large rooms, and with the main stair-way leading to the second story. The piazza on the eastern or river front is of square paneled pilasters, extending the whole length of the edifice. There is an observatory and cupola in the center of the roof, from whence may be obtained an extensive view of the surrounding country. The Mount Vernon estate was inherited by Lawrence Washington, who named it in honor of Admiral Vernon. He bequeathed it to George, and it passed into his possession on the death of Lawrence, which occurred in the mansion we are now noticing, on the 26th of July, 1752."—Lossing, 1851

Mount Vernon

"Mount Vernon. This view is from the lawn in front, looking down the Potomac. The mansion is built of…

Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate

Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate