Various views of the cocklebur, Xanthium canadense.
A plant with a hollow stock and a yellow flower on top.
Flowers and shrubbery
Various views of the galinsoga, Galinsoga parviflora.
A pond weed.
Various views of the tall ragweed, Ambrosia trifida.
Various views of the false ragweed, Iva xanthifolia.
Various views of the fine-leafed sneezeweed, Helenium tenuifolium.
"A plant of the genus Sonchus, primarily S. oleraceus, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe…
A moss-like water weed.
Also known as Antirrhinum orontium. It is a weed with pink flowers and hairy green fruit.
A weeder used for harrowing small grains.
A weeder.