The principal meaning of the German word strudel is whirlpool.  Big Strudel, the vortex near Grein, 94 miles upstream of Vienna. These notorious rapids, 165 feet long and 40 feet wide, were a dreaded hazard in Danube navigation before Empress Maria Theresa had some of the most dangerous rocks blasted out of the river bed in 1853. Now at lowest water, the depth is still six feet in the channel. The Strudel no longer exists.

Big Strudel

The principal meaning of the German word strudel is whirlpool. Big Strudel, the vortex near Grein, 94…

Sections of the Whirlpool at Niagara before the former drift-filling was cleared out by the river.

Whirlpool at Niagara

Sections of the Whirlpool at Niagara before the former drift-filling was cleared out by the river.