The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely heart-shaped, the flower-heads are small and white. The White Clover can easily accomadate itself to a great variety of soils, but grows most luxuriantly in moist grounds and moist or wet seasons.

White Clover

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely…

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely heart-shaped, the flower-heads are small and white. The White Clover can easily accomadate itself to a great variety of soils, but grows most luxuriantly in moist grounds and moist or wet seasons. This flower is magnified.

White Clover

The White Clover ((Trifolium repens) stems are spreading, slender and creeping. The leaves are are inversely…