A cylinder or roller for raising weights, turned by a crank or lever, with a rope or chain attached to the weight.


A cylinder or roller for raising weights, turned by a crank or lever, with a rope or chain attached…

"Windlass.—The common windlass for drawing water is another modification of the wheel and axle. The winch, or crank, by which it is turned, is moved around by the hand, and there is no difference in the principle, whether a whole wheel is turned, or a single spoke. The winch, therefore, answers to the wheel, while the rope is taken up, and the weight raised by the axle, as already described." —Comstock, 1850


"Windlass.—The common windlass for drawing water is another modification of the wheel and axle.…

A windlass is an apparatus for moving heavy weights. Typically, a windlass consists of a horizontal cylinder (barrel), which is rotated by the turn of a crank or belt. A winch is affixed to one or both ends, and a cable or rope is wound around the winch, pulling a weight attached to the opposite end.

Chinese Windlass

A windlass is an apparatus for moving heavy weights. Typically, a windlass consists of a horizontal…