"Wrought Iron Candle-Pricket; late 15th-century. Florentine work." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Wrought Iron Candle-Pricket; late 15th-century. Florentine work." —The Encyclopedia Britannica,…

"9-inch Gun Wrought Iron Carriage and Dwarf Platform." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Gun Wrought

"9-inch Gun Wrought Iron Carriage and Dwarf Platform." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"A heel tool for wrought iron." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"A heel tool for wrought iron." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"The middle one an ordinary hook tool, suited for outside work on wrought iron or steel, and the one above it a left hand tool which can be used also for inside. Their cutting edges are of course forged and ground straighter or more pointed or otherwise varied according to circumstances, and for cast iron or brass the angle of the edge is made much less acute, as in the lowest of the three in the engaving." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Slide-Rest Tools

"The middle one an ordinary hook tool, suited for outside work on wrought iron or steel, and the one…