Catholic system of dragooning the French protesants after the revocation of the edict of the Nantes, under Louis XIV. Caption under illustration: " When one party of these tormentors were weary, they were relieved by another, who practiced the same cruelties with fresh vigor."


Catholic system of dragooning the French protesants after the revocation of the edict of the Nantes,…

"The reign of Louis the Fourteenth has been termed the Augustan age of France. This monarch had none of the commanding qualities which create a nation or an era, and he would not have been distinguished from common princes in common circumstances. Destitute himself of the true sentiment of greatness, he yet became, fortuitously, the instrument of great deeds, and his reign will always be a memorable period in history." — Goodrich, 1844

Louis XIV in his chambers

"The reign of Louis the Fourteenth has been termed the Augustan age of France. This monarch had none…

King of France from 1638-1715, Louis XIV.

King Louis XIV

King of France from 1638-1715, Louis XIV.