Search for pictures tagged with "dead leaves"
We found $localcount "dead leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1492)
Slender, Fallen Leaves
Water on Dead Leaves
A Hillside at the Allegheny Portage Railroad…
Sandstone Boulders on a Hill
A Hole in the Root System
Dead Grass and Tree Branches
An Uprooted Tree
Palm Flowers, Flower Buds, Branches, and…
Shell Mound
Shells and Brown Leaves
Dead Tree Texture
Dead Tree Being Overtaken by Shrubs
Dead Tree Trunk on Shore
Warped Bark of Dead Tree
Dead Bark on Shore of Biscayne National…
Area Affected by Fire
Tall Snag along the Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk
Prairie Dog Standing on Sand Hill near Dead…
Shark Valley of Everglades National Park
A Burned Tree That Has Fallen into Dead…
Burned Trees and Dead Shrubs on a Slope
Wildflowers Growing near Burned Bushes
Rough Wood with Curved Grain
Greyish-Brown Bark of Dead Tree
Greyish-Brown Trunk of Dead Tree
A Barkless Dead Tree
Weathered, Dead Tree Trunk Amongst Black…
Curved, Circular Leaves
A Flying Insect on a Wood Surface
Bending Grain in Gray Wood
Curving Grain in Gray Wood
Deeply Split Dead Wood
Light Colored Wood with Longitudinal Cracks
The Curving Grain of Wood
Dead Tree, Vines, Sword Ferns, and Palm…
Branch on Display
Dead Branch on Display at Old Economy Village
The Bottom of the Shrouds
Dead Wood and Debris
Dead Wood and the Stumps of Three Branches
Moss in the Wood
Reddish-Brown Wood with a Touch of Moss
Smooth, Dead Wood with a Knothole
Knotty Wood in the Shadows
Dead Cypress Tree with Large Hole in the…
A Dead Tree near the Skew Arch Bridge
Wood is Groovy
Earth Star Plant
Dead Wood Decay
Dead Wood Splitting