Search for pictures tagged with "long gun"
We found $localcount "long gun" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (308)
Succulent Plant with Long, Thin Leaves Radiating…
Cacti with Long, White Hairs
Flowers with Long Stems Extending From a…
Cactus with Numerous, Long, White Thorns…
Clusters of Small, Yellow Flowers and Long,…
Branching Succulent Tree
Dry Flowering Stalk of a Succulent Plant…
Fig Tree at the Rancho Los Alamitos Historic…
Flowering Succulent Plant at the Rancho…
Padded Leaves of a Succulent Plant at the…
Portion of a Cactus with Numerous Spine…
Succulent Leaves of a Tree
Succulent Plant with Many Prickles
Succulent Plant with Multiple Prickles
Succulent with Numerous, Two-Pronged Prickles
Terminal End of a Flowering Plant
Trunk of a Succulent Tree
Yellow Flowers at the Rancho Los Alamitos…
Fleshy Red Berries
Flower Bud of a Succulent Plant
Succulent Plant with Numerous Prickles
Tall Succulent Tree
Branching Succulent Tree Amongst Other Shrubs
Close-Up View of the Sharp Prickles of a…
Clustered, Tri-Lobed Fruit of a Succulent…
Colorful Succulent Shrub with Sharp Leaves
Deep-Purple Berries at the Rancho Los Alamitos…
Flower Buds of a Succulent Plant
Grey Flower Bud of a Succulent Plant
Herbaceous Plant Growing from a Small Puddle…
Large Agave Plant
Numerous Aloe Plants at the Rancho Los Alamitos…
Plant with Small, Cup-Like Leaves
Plant with Succulent Leaves and Drooping…
Potted, Variegated Succulent Plant at the…
Red Tri-Lobed Fruit of a Succulent Plant
Shrub that Has Leaves with Wavy Edges
Shrub with Numerous Red Berries and Thin…
Shrub with Two Yellow Flowers
Small Yellow Flower Buds of a Succulent…
Succulent Leaves of a Senecio Plant
Succulent Leaves with Multiple Colors
Succulent Plant in Front of a Cacti at the…
Succulent Shrub with Numerous, Tiny Leaves
Three Clusters of Succulent Leaves
Brown and White Prickles of a Succulent…
Close-Up View of a Cactus with Numerous…
Close-Up View of Cactus Spines
Cluster of Thin Cacti Covered in White Hairs
Clusters of Red Berries in a Tree