Search for pictures tagged with "pavonazzetto marble"
We found $localcount "pavonazzetto marble" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (87)
Dacian Prisoner
Dacian Prisoner in Marble Pavonazzetto
Senator Clodius Ablabius Reginus
Marble Pavonazzetto
A Marble Sculpture of a Lion with a Ball
Black and Grey Marble
Black and Grey Marble
Musamman Burj
Blue-Green Marble
Green Marble
Earthtone Marble
Earthtone Marble
Multi-Color Marble
Multi-Color Marble
Polished Marble Warm Colors
Polished Marble with Blue and Greens
Santiago cathedral, Pórtico da Gloria,…
Tan and Green Polished Marble
Yellow-Green Marble
Green Marble Counting, Eight
Green Marble Counting, Five
Green Marble Counting, Four
Green Marble Counting, Nine
Green Marble Counting, One
Green Marble Counting, Seven
Green Marble Counting, Six
Green Marble Counting, Ten
Green Marble Counting, Three
Green Marble Counting, Two
Marble Floor Tiles
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, nave, north…
Gold and Green Marble
Green and Gold Marble
Making a Wish
Woman Carving Deity Statue in Marble
American Institute of Pharmacy
9th Century Marble Vessel with a Lid
Iron Gate
Marble Cenotaph from the Memluk Period
Stone Detail
Arlington Entrance
Stone Structure
Lincoln Memorial Front
Memorial Amphitheater Façade
Tomb Lid
Aristophanes Quote
Declaration of Independence Engraving
War Correspondent's Memorial
Balustrades and Columns