Search for "Column" pictures
We found $localcount "Column" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (202)
Balustrades and Columns
Pediment at New Town Hall
Row of Columns at New Town Hall
Fountain and National Archives Building
Minivan at United States Department of Agriculture…
Marble Colonnade
A Sidewalk in Hemming Park
Poreč, Cathedral of Eufrasius, atrium,…
Florida Pillar
Memorial Amphitheater Colonnade
Two Story Columns above Awnings
Engravings to the Emperor Constantine
A Capital, in front of the Temple of Antoninus…
San Paio de Diomondi, west portal, inner…
Hemming Park, the St. James Building, and…
Palladium Lobby
Hernando County Courthouse
Hemming Park in Jacksonville, Florida
The Decorative Metal Base of a Column
Dacian Prisoner
Trajan Returns for the Second Dacian War,…
A Bronze Statue of Victory Riding in a Quadriga
Great Hall Light and Balustrade
A Skeleton with a Nose and an Ear
Mythological Creature
Engaged Columns, and Pilasters, at the Miami-Dade…
Trajan Gives Audience to the Local Dacian…
Trajan Questions the Prisoners, Observes…
Trajan Makes More Sacrifices, and Gives…
The Domed Cupola of the Church of the Most…
Trajan Addresses His Troops, Commands Corduroy…
The Dacian People Are on the Move, Trajan…
The Roman Army Marches, Assaults a Dacian…
Santiago cathedral, Pórtico da Gloria,…
The Dacians and the Romans Build Fortifications,…
Guard Houses on the Frontier, and Loading…
Trajan Takes Fortified Positions, Makes…
The Roman Army is Well Supplied, Receives…
The Roman Army Plunders a Cache of Treasure,…
Roman Citizens Return to Dacia upon the…
Trajan Sacrifices, Travels, Fortifies, and…
The Romans Build Fortifications, Receive…
The Roman Army Forages, Takes a Large Fortification,…
Trajan Speaks to the Conquered, and to His…
The Romans Rebuild Fortification for Their…
Trajan Addresses the Troops, Builds Forts,…
Trajan Watches a Battle, Jupiter Fights…
Trajan's Army Crosses a Bridge, Trajan Plans…
The Romans Sack a Town, Get a Pep Talk from…
Trajan Arrives on the Left Bank of the Danube