Search for "st. augustine bastion" pictures
We found $localcount "st. augustine bastion" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (918)
Original Sally Port Doors of Castillo de…
Interior Behind the Sea Wall of Reconstructed…
Trees at Fort Caroline Natural Trail
Three Levels of Land at Castillo de San…
Old Cannon Mounted on a Wooden Firing Step
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon on a Wooden Firing…
Climbing Vine with Tiny Leaves
Exterior of Fort Caroline's Sea Wall
Reconstructed Timucuan Hut Along the Fort…
Wooden Boards Which Make up the Sea Wall…
Black Cannon on a Cannon Carriage on the…
Two Walls at Castillo de San Marcos
Spanish Symbols Carved Near the Barrel of…
Spanish 6-Pounder, Modern, Iron Gun Cannon…
Grass Mound near the Sea Wall of Fort Caroline
Ribault Monument Close-Up Displaying Fleur-de-Lis…
Room of the Castillo de San Marcos Containing…
Inscription on an Oxidized, Bronze, Mortar
Oxidized, Bronze 12-Pounder Cannon Used…
Wooden Steps, Wooden Boards, and Wooden…
Carvings in an Oxidized, Bronze, 15-Inch…
Interior of a Castillo de San Marcos Room…
Close-Up view of the Bottom of an Oxidized,…
Back Side of the Entrance at the Reconstructed…
Boat on the St. Johns River Taken from the…
Side View of an Oven at Fort Caroline National…
Group of Shells
Entrance to the Reconstructed Fort Caroline…
Elevated Walkway and Bridge of Castillo…
Side of the Sea Wall at the Reconstructed…
Mounted Cannon Pointed Towards Entrance…
Branches with Small, Green Leaves
Room with Two Wooden Beds Adjacent to Entrance…
Castillo de San Marcos Main Wall and Moat
Wooden Fence at Fort Caroline National Memorial
Arch on the Entrance of Fort Caroline National…
Close-Up of a 16-Pounder Cannon at Castillo…
Oxidized, Bronze Cannon with Two Handles…
View from the Top of a Cannon
Moat, Covered Way, and Glacis of Castillo…
"Erosion Control Area Keep Out" Sign
Close-Up View of a Wooden Fence at the Reconstructed…
Metal Trash and Recycling Receptacle Along…
Clay Effigy
Close-up View of the Original Sally Port…
Close-Up View of a 9-Inch, Oxidized, Bronze…
St. Johns River from the Ribault Monument…
Reconstruction of a Native American Hut
Trees, Shrubs, and Grass along the Fort…
Wooden Owl Statue