Search for "wood bead" pictures
We found $localcount "wood bead" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (769)
The Borroum-Simmons House at 901 North Fillmore…
Bark of a Baobab Tree
A Wooden Bucket Filled with Water
A Wooden Music Stand
Red Leaves and Thorny, Yellow Flowers Extending…
Dugout Canoe Crafted by Miccosukee Artisan
The Kettles in the Community Kitchen
Time for a Little Hoop Trundling
The Water Surrounding the Pavilion
St. Paul's Methodist Church
Wooden Sign near the Oasis Visitor Center…
A Stone Sink in the Community Kitchen
Uncle Jack Sitting on a Bench Outside His…
Exterior Corner of the Auld House at the…
A Wooden Bucket over a Trough
The South Elevation of the Feast Hall
The Picnic Area by the Carriage House
Small Camphor Tree at Martha McLean –…
A Ledger by a Candlestick
Antigua Fisherman Handcrafted from Wire…
The Old Fire Pumper
The Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse in the United…
An Outdoor Amphitheater
The Barrel with the Rotten Bilge (another…
Yellow-Orange, Star-Like Leaves Extending…
14th Century Wooden Star Carvings
A Wooden Chair at a Desk
A Redware Pitcher with a Green Glaze
A Standing Desk for the Teacher, and Benches…
Costa Rica - Young Female Sitting on Stool…
British Columbia, Canada, Handcrafted Eagle…
British Columbia, Canada Kwakuitl First…
Redware, Tinware, and Baking Pans
A White Picket Fence by a Brick Building
The Attachment of the Old Fire Pumper's…
British Columbia, Canada, Carved and Painted…
A Close-Up of the Trellis on the South Wall…
Antigua Hand Made Wire Fisherman Holding…
The Gonzalez-Alvarez House
The Two Plank Shutter
A View of the Mechanics Building from the…
The Rowsey Home in Corinth, Mississippi
Double Doors from the Great Mosque of Cizre
A Metal Strongbox
A Kitchen Work Table
Costa Rica - Girl Selling Coffee Beans (Full…
A Side View of the Rear Ell
The Back Patio
The Duncan House in Corinth, Mississippi
Wooden Bird Feeder